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Tai Chi for Schools

Tai Chi for Schools

Tai Chi is the ideal exercise for both staff and pupils.

Read on to find out why.

Tai Chi for teachers

  • Learn how to relax and stay relaxed under pressure
  • Gain more control over your physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Work with your posture and breathing, your balance and focus

Tai chi helps teachers be more balanced, poised and in control of their reactions to stress. It helps them be more confident and assertive and to be able to deal with potential conflict in an appropriate manner.


Did you know:

  • Stress levels have increased even since 2021, with an average of 75% of education staff across all levels describing themselves as stressed (up from 72% in 2021)
  • Many people get in education to make a difference in children’s lives and out of passion for their subject. Yet studies show that many are experiencing intolerable stress levels, mental health problems and a lack of wellbeing support at work.    
  • Tai chi is a proven method to reduce stress by changing the ways you physically react to pressure.

We incorporate breathing exercises and teach a wide range of skills that help you to relax and gain more control over your mind, body and breathing.

Your teacher

So much of what you get out of tai chi depends on your teacher. Many teachers now have ‘qualified’ after only learning for a very short time.

All our classes and training sessions are run by Paul Chapman who has over 35 years experience in these arts. 

Why you should need tai chi

It’s so important to take charge of your own health and wellbeing as our NHS is so underfunded and desperately short of staff and resources.

Tai chi has been shown to be effective in dealing with a wide range of chronic physical and mental health issues. It’s even better at helping prevent them from occurring in the future.

Our classes are fun, friendly and fascinating. Everything is explained in detail so you know exactly what to do and how to do it. 

Book us for a free session and see what it can do for you.

What Our Students Think

“I love these classes. A time of the week when I can fully relax, learn to improve myself and let go of my tensions.”
Moira T

“Paul is a great teacher. He explains everything so well that it’s easy to understand but not necessarily easy to do. This takes practice but is so worth it. I feel so much younger and fitter now.”
Trevor R

“I have tried tai chi before but I didn’t get on with it. This is a better class. I’m learning much more and am determined to keep at it as I can see the clear benefits it has.”
Annie G

“I spend a lot of time gardening and consequently suffer the next day but now, when I finish gardening I do some tai chi and find I don’t ache the next day, which is a real game changer for me.”
Jocelyn P

Tai Chi for Children

Although tai chi is often thought of as an old person’s exercise it isn’t really. It developed as a martial art and as such it teaches people of all ages to maintain control of their themselves even under extreme stress.

Children love to be challenged. They also love learning new ways of using their bodies. indeed one of the first things I teach them is how to stand so strong yet relaxed that even I can’t move them even pushing as hard as I can! 

Tai chi requires mindful focus. Children learn to become more aware of their bodies and can more easily spot when they are feeling stressed. More importantly they learn what to do about it. They learn the skills of relaxation, breathing, balance and posture.

Studies have proven that Tai Chi can actually reduce hyperactivity in children even when done for just a few weeks. Tai Chi is a very slow, controlled, calm martial art that requires focus and attention to detail. Children with ADHD get distracted easily when forced into tasks that are seen as “work”. As Tai Chi is a fun group activity, it is a great way to bring about a sense of calm in the child without making it seem like it’s a concentrated task.

To find out more about how I can help your staff and/or students please click here to email Paul or ring me on 07788 588815.

Learn Tai Chi from home

Learn the forms, skills, principles and exercises from home with our home based course.
Just £7 per module. Each module is roughly a month’s worth of classes.

Find out more about how tai chi and qigong can help restore your health and improve your strength, balance, mobility and so much more.

Receive little known secrets of how to improve your body, mind, posture and breathing as well as the more spiritual aspects of the art.
Sign up below. Unsubscribe at any time.

Tai Chi and Kung Fu classes in Reading and Wokingham area.


Quick Links
Opening Hours
Get In Touch
  • Email: info@jadedragonschool.com
  • Phone: 07788 588815
  • Work on your posture and breathing while you walk
  • Walk freely with more balance and less tension
  • Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings
  • Make every walk a richer and more enjoyable experience

Plus – get our popular weekly email full of rare tips and skills on using the deeper principles of tai chi to improve your health and life.

tai chi walking tips