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Online Tai Chi course

Tai Chi course

Learn Tai Chi from home

  • Learn the wonders of tai chi at your own pace and in your own space
  • No more forgetting what was taught in class or learn without even going to class
  • All the movements, exercises, skills, principles and theories explained fully
  •  Go beyond the form movements to understand what makes tai chi so effortlessly powerful
  • Each module contains a range of videos and PDFs which explain everything in full
  • Videos are short and to the point. Most are less than 3 minutes.
Each module now costs just £18 and is equivalent to roughly one month’s worth of lessons.
Each module builds on skills and knowledge from previous modules so to get the full benefit start from Module One.

Due to old age and various medical problems I gave Tai Chi a go not expecting much from it and wish I’d discovered it years ago.

It has improved my breathing and mobility problems and exercises at home have helped with relaxation and tension.

— B Winson

Above is a video taken from the first module concerning tai chi footwork.

Module One

  • What is Tai Chi
  • Basic principles
  • Essential skills – stances,  footwork and arm circles
  • Basics of gaining relaxed power

Buy Module One

Module Two

Learn the full first section including

  • Holding the ball
  • Ward off
  • Rollback and Press
  • Push
  • Single Whip

Buy Module Two

Module Three

  • Warming up and loosening exercises
  • 3 qualities of breathing
  • Yin and yang arms
  • Squeeze and pull down
  • Shoulder strike and White crane spreads wings

Buy Module Three

When I started my balance and coordination was all over the place. Now I can easily stay balanced on one leg and coordinate my arms and legs in various stances and moves. You learn a whole body skill both mentally and physically.

— S Cooper

Module Four

  • Understanding qi energy
  • Training your breath
  • Five points of awareness
  • Brush knee
  • Cross hands
  • Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
  • Second section of form in full

Buy Module Four

Module Five

  • The third golden principle
  • Moving everything together
  • Forwards clock and shoulder drop exercises
  • Fist under elbow and repulse monkey moves

Buy Module Five

Module Six

  • Create wave-like movements through your body
  • The best exercise to release tension in your neck and shoulders
  • Diagonal Flying and Cloud Hands movements
  • The full form up to the end of section 3. This takes you to the half way point.

Buy Module 6

Module Seven

  • Learn to stand relaxed and balanced on one leg
  • Experience the difference between yin and yang in your body with our Heaven and Earth breathing exercise
  • Learn the challenging start of the 5th section of the form and some tips to make it easier

Buy Module 7

Module Eight

  • A new technique to help drop tension out of your body when standing or moving
  • A whole body exercise to teach you to move from the centre and open your shoulders, chest and back.
  • The rest of the fourth section of the form

Buy Module 8

Module Nine

  • Create wave movements through your arms
  • The earth figure of eight. Rooting through your arms.
  • The whole fifth section of the form. Exploring the diagonals.

Buy Module 9

Module Ten

  • Heaven figure of 8 stepping practice for arm/leg coordination
  • First half of the final section of the form

    Buy Module 10

    Module Eleven

    • Learn the final moves of the form
    • Learn how to move your whole body from the sacrum for maximum power with minimum effort.
    • Finally, the tai chi form in full from different angles.

      Buy Module 11

    I also run classes in tai chi and qigong in Reading, Woodley, Twyford and Wokingham. Click here for more information

  • Work on your posture and breathing while you walk
  • Walk freely with more balance and less tension
  • Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings
  • Make every walk a richer and more enjoyable experience

Plus – get our popular weekly email full of rare tips and skills on using the deeper principles of tai chi to improve your health and life.

tai chi walking tips