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Tai Chi in Wokingham

Tai Chi Wokingham

Our venue is in the centre of Wokingham.

Our classes are fun and friendly and you’ll be amazed at some of the things you’ll learn.

First Session FREE. Email Us to let us know you’re coming. £9 per session or £40 for 5 sessions thereafter.

Class Details

Venue: The Bradbury Centre, Rose Street, Wokingham RG40 1XS 

Wednesdays 4.00 – 4.45pm 

There is plenty of parking either in the car park along Rose Street or you can get 90 minutes free parking in Waitrose then cross Rose St to the venue.

To get into the hall there are doorbells on the right of the windows. Ring the bell marked ‘main hall’.

First Session FREE. Email Us to let us know you’re coming. £9 per session or £40 for 5 sessions thereafter.

When I started my balance and coordination was all over the place. Now I can easily stay balanced on one leg and coordinate my arms and legs in various stances and moves. You learn a whole body skill both mentally and physically.
— S Cooper

  • Work on your posture and breathing while you walk
  • Walk freely with more balance and less tension
  • Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings
  • Make every walk a richer and more enjoyable experience

Plus – get our popular weekly email full of rare tips and skills on using the deeper principles of tai chi to improve your health and life.

tai chi walking tips