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Kung Fu Classes For Older Adults in Reading

Whether you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond traditional kung fu training has so much to offer.

Have you always wanted to learn a martial art or did when you were younger but think you’re too old now? Then think again. Our classes could be just what you’re looking for. Adults of all ages are always made welcome.

Please note: We don’t teach children.

We teach skills you don’t often find in most martial arts schools including the most important of all – how to control your body’s natural reactions to stress and fear. This used to be essential training in traditional martial arts but is now almost completely missing.

If you fall apart in the face of fear and danger then you need this training. Learn to control your mind, body and breathing so that you can stay relaxed, balanced and in control of your emotions and responses.

You will also learn to move and fight with the fluid power of an animal. You learn to generate force that flows through the body without putting any undue strain on any individual part. We think of animals as being more powerful than we are but they share the same basic physical structure. It’s just that they move differently. You too can learn to move with the same relaxed yet awesome power of an animal.

Learn skills that will last the rest of your life

This is a rare chance to learn authentic, traditional kung fu taught the old way.

Learn these movements and other weapon skills in our Thursday class.
  • Become stronger and more mobile without putting too much strain on your joints
  • Learn to relax and stay relaxed even under pressure
  • Maintain your vitality and mobility as you age
  • Learn the secrets of whole-body power connecting your body together to create power out of all proportion to your size or age.
  • All movements and exercises are adaptable to suit all ages and abilities
  • Enjoy the feeling of flowing through a range of animal movements and learn how to use them in a self defence situation
  • Learn to develop your body with a range of traditional weapons.
  • Have fun and make new friends in our welcoming classes

Classes Mondays and Thursdays 8 – 9pm

Venue: Caversham Hall, St Johns Rd, Caversham RG4 5AN

FIRST SESSION FREE. Subsequent classes £10 each payable in cash or online.

Beginners welcome.

Email me to confirm your place.

I’m Paul Chapman. I’ve been studying traditional kung fu and tai chi for nearly 40 years and teaching them for 25 years. I’ve never even considered switching to another martial art, or even any other sport or activity. This gives me everything I could possibly want. It will for you too.

  • Effective combat training
  • Physical training to make you strong and flexible without straining your joints
  • Structural training to help you stand and move with effortless power
  • Breath training to build your energy levels and stamina and control your stress
  • Weapons training to strengthen your body in many ways
  • Mental training to focus your mind and use visualisation skills

What is Kung Fu?

How to choose a martial art

kung fu syllabus

Why Kung Fu Classes with the Jade Dragon School?

If you’ve read the article on what is kung fu you’ll have seen that there are very few real, traditional schools left anywhere in the world. This is one of them.

In our kung fu classes for adults everything can still be learned and trained as it was centuries ago. Nothing is taught here that can’t be used in real combat. Every single movement in every single form is applicable with real, whole-body power. All moves are suitable for men and women of all ages as you learn to balance your body and move it in a relaxed and connected way. This is incredibly rare.

  • Study under a master with nearly 40 years experience
  • Learn 8 animal styles properly with all their training methods, forms and fighting skills
  • Expert tuition that focuses on the specifics of how to gain maximum power effortlessly. Most schools just focus on basic physical training or telling you to go harder and faster. This is fine when you’re young but as you age you need to know how to maintain your health and balance as you train.
  • Learn a range of weapons to strengthen the body in different ways
  • Train your body, mind and breath using old methods that give you a strong supple body that won’t deteriorate as you age.
  • Adult only classes – no children to distract from training

Our Syllabus in full – An intro to the amazing things you can learn.

Powerful kung fu skills

 Caversham Hall, St Johns Rd, Caversham RG4 5AN
Mondays and Thursdays 8.00 – 9.00pm
Cost: £10 per session payable in cash or by booking online.

Click here for a map

Contact Paul Chapman on 07788 588815 or click here to email the school

kung fu syllabus
  • Work on your posture and breathing while you walk
  • Walk freely with more balance and less tension
  • Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings
  • Make every walk a richer and more enjoyable experience

Plus – get our popular weekly email full of rare tips and skills on using the deeper principles of tai chi to improve your health and life.

tai chi walking tips