Learn Beginners Tai Chi Without Classes

Are you lacking mobility, energy and stamina?

Are other exercise systems too demanding physically?

Would you like to find an exercise system that rebuilds your strength, balance and mobility no matter what your age?

Tai chi chuan is the art of releasing your tensions. Less tension means more energy and more power.
Tai chi restores your vitality, improves your mobility and balance and gives you back your strength and stamina.

Hi. I’m Paul Chapman and I’ve been studying and teaching tai chi for about 40 years. This makes me one of the most experienced Masters in the country. I’ve studied the real deal from Chinese Masters who developed their abilities in temples in snowy Chinese mountains! I have taught 1000s of students through my classes and courses the secrets of tai chi and qigong.

Over many years I’ve learned and developed many amazing skills and am now passing them on to the next generation. Many of the Qigong skills and tai chi principles that I was taught I have never seen anywhere else.

Classes are a great way to learn tai chi but don’t worry if you can’t make classes as you can learn all the skills from home at your own pace with our popular, modular course.

This is like having your own private Tai Chi Master on tap 24 hours a day.

  • Pay as you learn
  • No big investment needed to start
  • Modules are updated free so you always have the current, best knowledge.
  • Basic principles
  • Learn to stand and walk with more balance and stability
  • Work on your posture so every move you do has more power with less effort.
  • Introductions to what tai chi is and yin yang theory which is core to everything in tai chi.

This is a rare chance to get full access to a wide range of tai chi and qigong practices at an amazingly cheap price. Each module is worth at least a month’s worth of classes and each one builds on the skills of the ones before.

Click Here to see our other modules

Read some of our genuine reviews

“Through learning to understand how to stand and breathe correctly my posture and balance are improving and I feel more flexible.”

“Clear guidance with good explanations of what and why. Excellent instructor”

“Moves are explained well with benefits given which encourages the practice in everyday life afterwards.”

“Paul Chapman is an extremely knowledgeable and capable Tai Chi teacher. not only does he make the actual exercises easy and enjoyable, but he also explains the physics behind it and the mental benefits.”

“The course provides a great way to switch off and focus on breathing and slow movement. It’s very therapeutic and I always feel so chilled and reset afterwards.”

“I didn’t realise how beneficial it could be until I tried. Looking forward to learning more.”

“Great start to tai chi. Paul takes us through gently and explains everything well.”

“Paul explains everything thoroughly which brought the whole of Tai Chi and Qigong to life. Very enjoyable.”

“I am hoping it will help with my balance. All parts of your body are used and it’s gentle exercise for all ages. I am in my 70s.”

If you want to learn tai chi from home there’s no better place to come.

I’m Paul Chapman and I’ve been teaching tai chi for over 25 years and studying it for 40 years.

I have taught 1000s of students through my classes and courses the secrets of tai chi.

I teach the real knowledge of how to use your posture, breathing, mental focus and energy flow to fine tune your health and restore your vitality.

Click Here to see our other modules

Tai chi is an art that everyone can benefit from. Is Tai Chi for you?

  • Work on your posture and breathing while you walk
  • Walk freely with more balance and less tension
  • Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings
  • Make every walk a richer and more enjoyable experience

Plus – get our popular weekly email full of rare tips and skills on using the deeper principles of tai chi to improve your health and life.

tai chi walking tips